Monday, July 30, 2012

Home Improvement Project Tips And Advice For Success

Repair by lolly180

Auto repair shops hate automobile clubs. From their perspective, they're the 600 pound gorilla of the industry - dictating towing rates, encroaching on their more profitable business segments and proselytizing their customers. On the other hand, the auto clubs are an inevitable fact of doing business. This love/hate relationship is good for the auto repair customer.

Emergency road service is a good example of the power of the club. Tow truck operators sign a contract to service club members at a predetermined price which is well below the market price for a jump start, tire change or tow job within their trading area. The operators also agree to equip their trucks up to club standards and maintain certain thresholds of insurance. Of course, 24 hour availability is a prerequisite. All of these are great for the club member but tend to squeeze the operator's bottom line. The service is covered (within limits) under the club member's yearly fee.

AAA's mobile battery service demonstrates how a new feature of the mammoth auto club has infringed upon the turf of the independent repair shop. Battery sales have always been a desirable profit center for the auto repair shop. The sale of this single part costing between $100 to $200 with little exposure to comebacks and minimum installation time has always been coveted by repair facilities. AAA's program dispatches a truck capable of either jump starting your car or checking your alternator output and selling and installing a battery at the site of the failure. If the battery is not the problem, the member is referred to a AAA affiliated shop. What AAA taketh away with one hand it givith back with the other. Interestingly enough AAA member shops pay a monthly fee to be in the Approved Auto Repair program. Meanwhile, the individual member is well served as long as the battery performs as promised.

So here is the dilemma independent shops face. They either suck up their distaste for a large organization that has the strength to dictate the way they operate and enjoy what peripheral business the club may generate, while risking the loss of a segment of their client base. Or they operate outside of the umbrella of the auto club free of monthly dues, free to operate as they choose, but absent any stream of club generated business. For the club member and to a certain extent the general public, however, there is no downside. The pressure the auto clubs put on the marketplace suppresses prices and raises the expectations of consumers in terms of the quality of service.

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Mets talked to Cubs about Soto | New York Daily <b>News</b>

Mets talked to Cubs about Soto. BY Andy Martino. The Mets talked with the Chicago Cubs recently about acquiring catcher Geovany Soto, but a deal is not likely, a baseball official with direct knowledge of the situation said.

Mets talked to Cubs about Soto | New York Daily <b>News</b>

Book <b>News</b>: Poetry Games, Fan Fiction : The New Yorker

Sales of “Cloud Atlas” have surged following the release of an epic five-minute trailer for the novel's star-studded film adaptation. “Fan fiction is inherently collaborative and by convention resolutely anti-commercial, attributes ...

Book <b>News</b>: Poetry Games, Fan Fiction : The New Yorker

The Sun says: Be proud of GB | The Sun |<b>News</b>|Sun Says

READ The Sun Says leader comment to see our take on the pressing issues of the day.

The Sun says: Be proud of GB | The Sun |<b>News</b>|Sun Says

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great Ideas To Help You Get The Most Out Of Internet Marketing

market by 1_drey

Admittedly, most people use Internet marketing to make money. While the idea of promoting your products and services, sharing your ideas and being the person in charge are all appealing, your ultimate goal is to generate profits. Put some of these tips into action and watch it happen!

Make a plan for how you will market your webpage and the strategies you will use. A good way to advertise your page is to give something away, tell people about it in blogs, or put ads out at businesses. You can encourage visitors to your site in many different ways. Just be creative, and work hard.

sect Place a chat box or open forum on your business website. Your website will be like a group instead of just a place where items can be purchased. If you can get customers to feel like your business is a group, they will stick around.

For increasing user satisfaction with your business online, try making a FAQ page for your site. In many cases, a good FAQ can head off a visitor's problems before they become too frustrating and keep them satisfied with your website. Customers are more likely to continue ordering from a website that is easy to navigate.

A CRM is an excellent way to maintain a database of all your customers who bought products from you. Use it to pinpoint past and current customers and the history of their purchases. With that information, you'll be able to directly target advertisements toward them that are relevant to their interests.

Choosing a good niche is key to having a successful Internet based business. For example, you aren't going to successfully sell sports cards to a person who is interested in vintage Star Wars memorabilia. Customers do online searches for the items that are of the most interest to them and are more likely to buy those items. Knowing who is interested in the product you are selling and spending your effort on attracting them to your business is the smart thing to do.

You can market your website as a place of social gathering rather than a business. You will get more traffic if you offer a way for your customers can talk to each other. This also helps people remember your site. You could promote the community through a member logo that can be utilized by your most avid website socialites. Best of all, it's free advertising!

A game could be a great way to get more traffic. People are always searching for games to play for nothing, even small ones will have people returning to you over and over. You can also use this game to advertise what you have to offer. For example, create a game that allows players to style hair if what you're selling are hair products.

pavc Customers need to feel confident that they can order from your website without having to worry about security. People are wary of sending personal information over the Internet, so make sure you ease these fears by letting customers know that their information is secure.

There are a lot of different strategies to use in order to market products online, and paying for ad space on various websites is one with a good track record of proven results. Google's AdSense is just one of the different companies that sells this sort of ad space. It is a reasonably priced, easily done form of marketing that produces great results.

As you can see, there are some important basics for Internet marketing that you need to consider. Now that you have this basic information, it is time to use it to your advantage. Use this advice so you can become an Internet marketing guru and make the most money possible

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pazoo, Inc. (PZOO) - Can Someone Really Make Over Ten Thousand A Month Trading Penny Stocks? - Penny Stock Symbol Potg

It may well appear a little outrageous, but with the latest craze of people getting into penny stock investing; some common people have been in a position to pocket serious income on just one or two trades - purchasing stocks for pennies and selling them for serious dollars.

Yes, I'm absolutely aware that this seems like a lot of hogwash, but you'd be very wrong if you believe this isn't actually happening regularly. There have been tons of businesses whose stock price had dropped to basically pennies per share and in some occasions fractions of a penny per share, that suddenly spiked to 2, 3 or (seriously) 10 or 20 times that price - literally in days.

It's still hard to imagine right?? It only takes a second to look for one of the common occurrences in the penny stock market - Sunpeaks Ventures, Inc.. (SNPK). Try typing the ticker symbol into any financial site, and look at a historical chart for say four months or so; you'll notice right off that this company's stock was merely $.43 a share about the middle of March, and climbed to as high as .40 just weeks after. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that if we'd invested 0 it would've increased to about 00 in just a couple of weeks time. For this very reason people have been in a position to leave their day jobs to trade 1 or 2 penny stocks a month, at the same time being able to pay all their bills and live easily.

By doing a little due diligence, you can make excellent profits from penny stock investing; and it's not your normal long term investment method like when investing in blue chip kind of stocks. Stocks of the big guys might see a 5% jump in a week (and they'll call that a good week), but if you've only got 0 to invest - generating in a week is really not cause to jump up and down... best you can do with that kind of gain is go to a movie... by yourself!

Just like any investment, even penny stock investing has risks, but think of this: if you can invest $500 in a penny stock and possibly turn that small investment into thousands within weeks (and I don't mean 52 weeks) - the risk/reward ratio weighs extremely in your favor. On the other hand, you could invest in nice "safe" blue chip companies and possibly see a gain of a couple hundred bucks a year.. that's if you don't invest in top of the line blue chips like Tyco, Enron or

Right now, we are looking a company known as Pazoo, Inc. (PZOO). This particular stock went from dormant to trading over 1 million shares as of last Thursday. The price was pretty consistent all day Thursday, even with the heavy trading (staying at $.10 per share), but on Friday - that started to change a bit (with the closing price at $.135 - a 35% gain in One day). At the time of this writing, the stock is continuing to climb today (7/23/12) climbing to just under $.15 per share. The beauty of this company is that it has basic principles; a good team, good product mix and revenue!

None of the companies mentioned in this article have paid for promotion or investor awareness - they are mentioned for reference points only. Any investor is strongly encouraged to conduct their own due diligence before deciding to trade on Any investment. The writer is not a qualified investment advisor, broker or financial planner. The opinions herein are solely the opinion of the writer, and not an invitation, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any of the stocks mentioned herein.

For more information about penny stock investing, can be a valuable resource for you, if you want to break from the norm. We are a penny stock watch reporter, and we keep our eyes open for the latest and greatest opportunities.

Sign up for our free newsletter,at: you'll be privy to penny stock news as it happens - not after the boat has sailed.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Excellent Advice For Making Appliance Repairs To Your Home.

appliances by breakdarulez

Would you like to make your home more energy efficient? While heating and cooling systems take a toll on a home's energy resources, replacing other energy zapping appliances, such as the refrigerator, reduces your home's environmental impact as well. But, which refrigerator brand and model should you choose for a replacement? With so many on the market, how can the average consumer select the best, energy efficient model that suits the individual's taste and budget? The government's Energy Star program is designed to help consumers and businesses make informed purchasing decisions about energy efficient products and appliances-and offers a range of quality, tasteful options.

What is the Energy Star Program? The government's Energy Star program is a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help educate consumers and businesses about energy efficient home and office products available for purchase. The Energy Star program uses strict guidelines, developed by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, to identify the most energy efficient products in a range of categories from office electronics to kitchen appliances-helping consumers locate the best products to suit both personal needs and lessen household or business environmental impact.

Why is the refrigerator such an energy inefficient appliance? According to Energy Star resources, the refrigerator tops all other household appliances in energy usage--using more electricity than any other household appliance. Of course, that is understandable since the refrigerators must run throughout the entire day to maintain proper temperature.

Why should you replace your old refrigerator with an Energy Star model? Older model refrigerators were not designed to be as well insulated or energy efficient as modern refrigerators earning the Energy Star certification. Choosing an Energy Star qualified refrigerator gives consumers a model that is guaranteed to be at least 20 percent more energy efficient than even other modern refrigerator designs without the Energy Star seal. Upgrading an older refrigerator to an Energy Star qualified model not only saves consumers money on monthly electric bills, but reduces the household environmental impact by making one simple appliance change.

Which Energy Star qualified refrigerators should you consider? General Electric (GE), Amana, Kenmore, and Frigidaire make top rated Energy Star qualified refrigerators in both energy efficiency and customer satisfaction-with many basic, qualified models priced under $1000. While finding the most energy efficient model is important-choosing the correct size and style for your family is important as well. A 10-25% energy savings can be obtained by choosing a refrigerator with a top mounted freezer -rather than a bottom or side by side style. Refrigerators under 20 cubic feet have been shown to be the most energy efficient, making it important to select the smallest acceptable refrigerator to suit your needs. Skipping the automatic water dispensers and ice making features saves additional energy as well.

While refrigerators are modern conveniences that most consumers are not willing to give up, consumers and business owners can take advantage of the Energy Star program resources to find the most economical and environmentally friendly appliances available. Is it time to upgrade your outdated, energy wasting refrigerator?

About Energy Star
Refrigerators for Consumers

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Learn How To Have Perfect SEO On Your Site

SEO Expert ... Grammarians Shop of Horrors (2 of 2) by Jeff McNeill

The process of search engine optimizing is currently overrun by Black Hat SEO and also White Hat SEO practitioners. Interestingly, shifting SEO basics show that organic search engine optimization appears to be neither and both. Go figure.

SEO Basics

Search engine optimizing is the process whereby a website - or an article writer - may tweak the search engine friendliness of the data. SEO basics showcase that well done search engine optimization results in a higher search results listing; subsequently, poorly designed data results in a listing in the 'further ran' section that users rarely visit.

Black Hat SEO vs. White Hat SEO

Organic search engine optimization implies that the search result is naturally derived rather than paid for by the data owner. Black Hat SEO practitioners care little for the visitors that may click through to their sites. Some actually anticipate that their money-makers will sooner or later draw the ire of ISPs or search engines and get shut down.

Jill Whalen offers perhaps the most concise definition of the Black Hat when compared to the White Hat SEO: she figures that a Black Hat SEO employs two thirds of science and one third of the artful aspect of organic search engine optimization. The White Hat SEO works the other way around and seeks to strike a harmonic balance between making data search engine friendly but also meeting the needs and wants of the final user while playing by the rules of the search engines.

Black Hat SEO practices include spamdexing, code swapping, link farming, blog spamming and keyword stuffing. The computer user who has run across a site that seems to mindlessly repeat numerous keyword phrases over and over, or which is not at all what the site title and description promised, most likely found a prime example of the practice.

Another example is the forum or blog poster who leaves behind spammy links. Click through one of the Phentermine or Viagra ads that currently litter your email inbox spam folder (at your own risk), and you are likely to encounter the disposable online handiwork of a Black Hat SEO specialist.

White Hat SEO relies on keyword rich content creation that stops short of keyword stuffing. It seeks to increase search engine rankings through backlinking to data from other relevant websites - as opposed to link farming - and also by being mindful of latent semantic indexing by focusing content and organizing data.

Black Hat, White Hat (Red Fish, Blue Fish...)

Black Hats argue that even White Hat attempts at organic search engine optimization are data manipulation and thus the seemingly high horse of the White Hatter is underserved. On the flipside, White Hats eye Black Hatters' attitude of maneuvering search engine users -content creators, search engine operators and data consumers - with disdain.

Unfortunately for White Hat SEO, Black Hat practices pay off quickly and there is solid money to be made. Check out Jenny Keane and her honest look at Black Hat SEO. Think of a black hatter as the advertiser who knows that plastic bags are bad for the environment but pays to have their company logo imprinted on those still being handed out by the grocery stores.

Jill Whalen: "Black Hat/White Hat Search Engine Optimization" (accessed February 13, 2010)
Jenny Keane: "SEO - Black Hat Vs. White Hat" (accessed February 13, 2010)

Search engine optimization aims to ultimately achieve the goal of getting more visitors to an internet site by helping it get higher rankings in the various search engines. This simply means that s.e. optimization's goal is to create a internet site appear on the first pages, or even the very first page of a search done through the s.e..

You will find two approaches to be capable of getting noticed by search engines. One is through pay-per-click-advertisements. A good example of a pay-per-click system that is utilized by search-engines may be the Google Adwords system. It has created a hype and has given Google around 5 billion dollars in terms of revenue per year. Webmasters can place their bids to be shown when a keyword is searched by way of a surfer. The highest bidders will get their sites to look first when the search is being done. The next way of getting high rankings from se's is through organic searches. Search engines evaluate websites by utilizing what they call “ spiders. ” These programs scan those sites and collects information regarding them. Then they collate the information and pass it on to the s.e.. This area is primarily the primary arena of seo. It utilizes a set of methods to be capable of getting search-engines to list the internet site on high ranks.

The key reason for search engine optimization would be to increase the traffic generated by way of a internet site. Websites are made to be seen by Internet surfers and search-engines will help it accomplish that goal.

The power of the
seo pittsburgh
really should not be underestimated. It is among the building blocks of the foundation of the Internet. A survey showed that 90% of most Internet surfers employ search-engines to assist them inside their Internet-related activities. Google, the dominant player in the internet search engine industry, generates 70% of all search-related Internet activity.

People and Search engines are alike


One most sought after topic is "Search Engine Optimization (SEO). "

In addition, it features articles about internet marketing and web site promotions. It is a one stop-site for Search engine marketing and so many more related topics. The site is also user-friendly, is easy to navigate and allows user interaction.

Most of the topics found at the internet site could be very helpful to e marketers/telemarketers, website consultants and bloggers who want to optimize their se's.

Topics like "Boost your ratings with Pagerank Sculpting", "Consider employment searching Engine Marketing" and "Why SEO is important for your Web Site" and so many more - are merely few of the useful SEO topics in the internet site.

3. SearchEngineChannel

Some of the significant articles are: "Social Media as well as your Search engine marketing Strategy" and "Small Business SEO - 5 Top Search engine marketing Tips".

It's a web log that has SEO articles as its featured posts: "31 Days to Developing a Better Blog, Seo " and "Google Optimization Secrets From the Trenches" are two of the most helpful articles.

5. S.e. Genie: Magician for Online business

There are numerous topics featured in this web site and the articles about SEO must be read by everyone who wants to optimize her/his search engine.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How Atlanta SEO Company Can Improve Business

Search Engine Optimization - An OverviewSlide10 by doggy00123

Freelance writing is a great way to explore a new job opportunity or even to simply make extra cash privately. For people who are just getting started in this market, SEO writing is a good opportunity to advance in a career written down. SEO, which means Search engine optimization, is really a crucial element for organizations that now have an online business and wish to actively work to increase traffic for their internet site through the use of major search engines.

For writers who work to become experts in the region of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION writing, there are many great opportunities for advancement. In a nutshell, S.E.O. can be used to improve the web ranking of a company in search results when working with major google or Bing. Organizations can increase their site traffic by actively trying to boost their ranking browsing results among their competitors. Atlanta SEO is a crucial element for a company's marketing plan to have long-term success. For this reason, there are numerous approaches to use S.E.O. to get ahead as a writer in today's marketplace.

As a writer, it is necessary be very knowledgeable about the idea of S.E.O. and how it may be used most effortlessly before investing in projects. This can easily be performed by doing research and reading through to success stories from other writers and companies that have efficiently implemented S.E.O. strategies. The more intelligently a writer can talk with S.E.O. concepts, the more likely they have been to create a solid portfolio through completing jobs and dealing with organizations to fine tune their internet sites. Another great way to comprehend and master the use of S.E.O. is to perform web pursuit of specific concepts using major search engines. This will offer a strong notion of how existing organizations have successfully used SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION to improve their visibility searching brings about improve their web site traffic.

So that you can successfully secure SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION freelance writing jobs, it is vital to market your skills to prospects. It is vital to send e-mails to organizations, make phone calls and anticipate to produce a convincing case for landing a writing position. Developing a strong portfolio and receiving feedback and recommendations from customers will go quite a distance toward building your self in the SEO writing field. Remember, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION writing is a concept that sometimes needs to be tested and altered before choosing the best means of success. It is important to just take feedback and criticism with grace, while working toward personal and professional improvement.

There are lots of opportunities available today for freelance home writers in the S.E.O. writing field for folks willing to set up the effort and time to achieve their goals.

Home-based business Web business Internet marketing & SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION

The initial step to determine if purchasing Social media marketing is really a wise move for your company is knowing your audience habits. By using Google and Web log Aggregators, you can view if your niche has recently a wholesome social networking presence, or if it doesn't exist. Do not forget to search on professional and social network sites as well, maybe your personal future clients are not writing on blogs nevertheless they are asking questions there that have to be answered. If social media isn't very established for your business sector, but people are looking for information and asking each other maybe it's a great possibility to position yourself as a reputable supply of information and a forum for conversations. However, if there does not seem to be a buzz on the net for your products or services, you might be better using other more traditional kinds of marketing. If you know your audience is a frequent user of any Social media channel, be it Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or every other, it's probably worth it to produce an audio social internet marketing strategy for that channel. This way it is possible to reach them in a environment they are already familiar with and keep company with fun and interesting things. However, if your market just does not make an online search for sharing information and pictures it might be a waste of commitment to attempt to make them put it to use. Considering the other players in the market are doing might help here. If your competitors Facebook page has minimal fans it may be as they are carrying it out wrong or because the type of person you might be targeting prefers to spend their time on Twitter, and the other way round. It's more straightforward to find your users where they are already than attempting to make them begin using something they do not like merely to tick a checkbox named "My company has a Twitter account". Social internet marketing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Easy Steps To Take For White Teeth

Sponsored by Cosmetic Dentist Los Angeles You are looking your best from your head to your toes and dressed to the nines. But, discolored teeth will keep you from fully achieving the appearance you want. You can do something about whitening your teeth with some practical ideas that you can find in the article below.

You are giving your teeth the protection they need when you brush them regularly. You should use a whitening toothpaste. There are various brands, so researching them can help you find one that works for your teeth.

You must start with teeth that are thoroughly cleaned if you want to get the greatest results using a home whitening product. Teeth whitening products function better on a clean canvas, unlike hair dyes that work better on slightly dirty hair. Dirty teeth have food and plaque buildups that can result in an uneven shade if a whitening product is used on them. In order to avoid creating spots and uneven whiteness, it is important to brush and floss to remove these buildups prior to whitening.

If your teeth are chronically discolored, consider whether your favorite beverages could be to blame. Many beverages, such as red wine and coffee, can leave the teeth stained. Use a straw when consuming any dark-colored beverages to limit contact time with teeth and minimize staining.

There isn't a whole lot of difference when it comes to regular toothpaste and those touted to be teeth whitening toothpastes. If a teeth whitening product makes no discernible difference when you use it, you might as well save your money. Read reviews and talk to your dentist before deciding on any whitening products.

Try utilizing salt for brushing your teeth. Salt can naturally remove teeth stains. Always rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing. Because it is abrasive, don't get carried away with brushing with salt.

In order to get white teeth, you ought to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up each morning and before you go to bed at night. While you sleep, bacteria and plaque are able to accumulate on your teeth.

Stay away from wine, cigarettes and coffee. These products contain chemicals that stain your teeth by bonding to them. If you cannot go without these products, brush your teeth right after using them. Some companies offer mini brushes that you can slip onto your finger and use as a substitute toothbrush. This helps if you don't want to carry your toothbrush everywhere. The mini brush is abrasive, which helps to remove staining products from your teeth.

Whitening gels are available to whiten your teeth. You can find these gels at most drug stores, and they cost next to nothing when compared to the price of a professional teeth whitening procedure. Although sometimes if your teeth have bad enough stains, a dentist may be your only option.

You are going to have a great boost in confidence with clean looking teeth. Put the following tips to use and transform your teeth today.

For more information simply Google Cosmetic Dentistry.