Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Money Through

OrangeScape positions itself as an Application Platform As A Service (APaaS) provider, and has some marquee customers in India including Unilever, Citibank, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Sterlite. They will now be leveraging the 1M/1M-Persistent channel to go to market in the United States.

What caught my attention as I started working with OrangeScape is their proven ability to plug a distinct gap in Google's enterprise solution. As you know, the Google productivity apps portfolio is getting very good traction within enterprises, and through our Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing series, we've heard from various CIOs who are moving from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange to Google's Office suite. One of the primary drivers of the switch is cost. A second is collaboration.

Currently, when enterprises switch to Google's productivity suite, they still need to make provisions to move the large portfolio of home grown long tail productivity apps that have been developed around the previous system - Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange. And in comes the Google App Engine as Google's offering in this context.

Well, it turns out that to port long tail productivity apps to Google's App Engine is a somewhat cumbersome job, and requires a lot of custom development. Building new apps is also not as simple.

Enter OrangeScape.

The long tail apps can easily be ported to or developed on Google App Engine in a third of the time and cost using OrangeScape as an application platform. Voila, the entire productivity suite of an enterprise can become cloud-ready, quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively!

I have long been a champion of Indian product companies, urging the entrepreneurs to think beyond labor arbitrage and outsourcing. Today, I am thrilled to see that OrangeScape is emerging as a promising player in the Indian startup firmament, and reaching for global market penetration.

Multi Angular Force Generator

Next, Paul Croskrey with OBM Global pitched the Multi Angular Force Generator (MAFG), an alternative energy startup aiming to provide off-grid power. The MAFG claims to create huge amounts of horsepower and torque, enough to drive the largest generators made today. The MAFG Thermal Reactors utilize thermal storage tanks heated to high temperatures to produce steam allowing it to run a variety to operations ranging from waste purification to running steam turbines making electricity.

Paul says that he wants commercial operations to use this off-grid power supply, and help companies like Wal-Mart save costs. Wal-Mart, in fact, is interested in testing the module at one of their warehouses.

Paul's bottleneck, however, is validation. He needs some knowledgeable and credible people to validate that the technology for which OBM already has issued patents, works, or at least has the potential to work. No investment is possible without that validation, whether it is government grants (and there is quite a bit of that available for clean energy projects) or angel or venture capital. It is not possible for financial investors to gauge the viability of this technology without some help from scientists and researchers.

I advised Paul to find a scientist with enough credibility in this field, and invite him/her as a cofounder / Chief Scientist. This is an essential step that will be necessary for Paul to take. It is squarely in his critical path, blocking all sorts of financing options, and unfortunately, he cannot really make progress with this venture without some external financing. It's simply a capital-intensive business that needs money.


Finally, Marcos Menendez presented Momares, a nifty piece of technology to help small businesses market themselves through coupons delivered through opt-in SMS subscriptions. For his go-to-market strategy, Marcos has identified the bowling center market. He says that bowling centers are a booming sector, but they have a very specific problem: they lack traffic during weekdays. Well, Marcos, using his technology, believes he can increase weekday utilization by 200% - a very bold and robust ROI value proposition. I asked him to create a couple of success stories to validate the assumptions, and then do a very focused PR campaign in the blowing center industry.

Of course, the solution applies to a much broader set of small business customers, making this an attractive business opportunity. I recently did a story on 3CInteractive that has built a $40M business based on a similar value proposition, but catering to large enterprises.

Someone from the audience asked how Momares differs from Groupon. Well, to get the discount on Groupon, consumers have to do some work - recruit other consumers - whereas Momares offers a straightforward opt-in coupon to your favorite business, whether it is a spa, a restaurant, or a bowling center.

Bottom line, I like this business!

You can listen to the recording of today's roundtable here. Recordings of previous roundtables are all available here. You can register for the next roundtable here.

Sramana Mitra is the founder of the One Million by One Million (1M/1M) initiative, an educational, business development and incubation program that aims to help one million entrepreneurs globally to reach $1 million in revenue and beyond. She is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and strategy consultant, writes the blog Sramana Mitra On Strategy, is author of the Entrepreneur Journeys book series and Vision India 2020. She has a master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Photo by ilco

N. Africa, Mideast protests – Libyan PM: &#39;terrorists&#39; causing <b>...</b>

Across the Middle East and North Africa, CNN's reporters and iReporters are covering protests, many of them inspired by revolts in Tunisia and Egypt that toppled those countries' longtime rulers. Check out our story explaining the roots ...

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Almost everyone uses Google to find out more about news that's happening right now, whether it's tech industry stuff, celebrity breakups, or political revolutions. Unfortunately, the rules Google uses to determine which websites gain ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Felt Egypt Revolt &quot;Too Important&quot; Not to <b>...</b>

"It takes a special kind of person to keep going back into threat areas," a Logan colleague tells Us.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

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epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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We were early to warn readers that Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who is heading the 50 state probe into mortgage abuses, was unlikely to take as tough a stand with banks as his early sabre-rattling suggested.

Now other close observers of the 50 state AG probe, like Marcy Wheeler of FireDogLake, have pointed out that expectations for this group were probably too high, given that some of the AGs had been opposed to the effort before, and they’d hobble the effort from the inside. But even though true, that observation still gives Miller more of an out than he deserves.

The fact is that Miller had decided, before any investigation was undertaken, that his group was not going to take any action that might allow investors to recover for losses. Why? Some of the parties in a position to recover would not be Americans. This came by e-mail before the December meeting at which Miller promised to “put people in jail” as well as obtain deep principal mods and compensation for defrauded homeowners:

The homeowners off to meet Tom Miller is a setup for a photo-op to imply buy-in. I was w/ a European documentary maker this weekend who spoke to Miller a few days ago and said Miller relayed the fraud isn’t so bad, everything will be worked out .. the standard line; he’s already made up his mind. He doesn’t want those European governments demanding their money back. The meeting is a photo-op setup because the too-big-to-fail crowd is scared of put-back liability and shorts; they’re working hard to make it appear they’re doing something to quiet everybody down.

So get this: so keen is a state attorney general to protect the wallets of big banks that he’s decided there wasn’t much fraud before doing any serious forensics. And his reason was to deny payouts to investors because they are foreign (China, are you taking notes?). But to prevent that outcome, he also has to throw US investors and wronged homeowners under the bus.

Welcome to equal protection under the law, circa 2011. No wonder gun sales are skyrocketing.

Thus Miller’s retreat is entirely predictable, and we can plot its trajectory. Following his “get tough with crime” mid-December declaration, Miller took criminal investigations off the table on January 4. From Bloomberg:

The five largest loan servicers, including Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., may be the first to settle with the 50 state attorneys general probing foreclosure practices, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller said…..The group isn’t pursuing a criminal investigation, Miller said. “Our focus is to reform the servicing process and that’s inherently civil, not criminal,” he said.

One of our readers, who is a seasoned litigator, disagreed vehemently with Miller’s “this can only be a civil investigation” and provided examples of criminal prosecutions for analogous misconduct.

The latest step backwards by Miller is a softening in his stance and a refusal to reaffirm his earlier commitments. From Iowa CCI’s press release about its meeting yesterday with Miller:

Following their December 14th meeting with Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who is leading the 50-state investigation of the “foreclosure-gate” scandal, 200 members of Iowa CCI met with him again on Tuesday to continue the push for a settlement that will help millions of Americans stay in their homes. Iowa CCI is part of a coalition of community groups across the country fighting to end the foreclosure crisis.

“Tuesday’s meeting felt a lot different than the meeting in December,” said Iowa CCI Director Hugh Espey, “In our first meeting with Attorney General Miller we felt like we had a champion that was ready to go toe to toe with the big banks. We left this meeting wondering if the big banks had knocked the wind out of our state’s top law enforcer.”

“In many cases a loan modification is in everybody’s best interest – the homeowner, the investor, servicer and the national economy,” Miller had said in a statement following the December meeting. “… I know it’s worth our best efforts to save as many homes as we can.”

In Tuesday’s meeting The Attorney General was less forthcoming about the intended outcome of the settlement. He did not repeat previous commitments to aim for a settlement that would keep people in their homes, nor to press criminal charges against bank officials where evidence of fraud and criminal wrongdoing is found. The Financial Crisis Commission has recently referred several cases to the states for further criminal investigation.

As more aggressive AGs, like the ones in Arizona and Nevada, file suits against banks, perhaps their complacent peers like Miller will be embarrassed into acting. But until then, this “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” by top enforcement officials appears likely to remain the norm.

coalition of seven major public pension systems, led by New York City
Comptroller John Liu, has asked the boards of four of the largest U.S.
banks to examine their mortgage and foreclosure practices.


a letter dated January 6, the pension fund coalition urged the Audit
Committees of Bank of America Corp, Citigroup Inc, JPMorgan Chase &
Co, and Wells Fargo L& Co to launch independent examinations of their loan modification, foreclosure, and securitization policies and procedures.


will help to prevent future compliance failures and restore the
confidence of shareholders, regulators, legislators and mortgage
markets participants," the coalition said in the letter.


Bank representatives could not be reached for immediate comment on Sunday.

January 7, in a decision that could slow foreclosures nationwide,
Massachusetts' highest court voided the seizure of two homes by Wells
Fargo & Co and US Bancorp after the banks failed to show they held
the mortgages at the time they foreclosed.


sent fears through the market as investors worried that decision could
threaten lenders' ability to work through hundreds of thousands of
pending foreclosures.


Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts' unanimous decision upheld a
lower court ruling and was among the earliest cases to address the
validity of foreclosures done without proper documentation.


issue, including the use of "robo-signers" who approved foreclosure
documents without reviewing them, last year prompted an uproar that led
lenders such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Ally Financial Inc
to temporarily stop seizing homes.


in other U.S. states are considering similar cases, and all 50 state
attorneys general are examining whether lenders are forcing people out
of their homes improperly.


pension fund coalition represents more than $430 billion in pension
fund investments, including $5.7 billion invested in the four banks.


represents the five NYC pension funds. The coalition also includes the
Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds, the Illinois State Board
of Investment, the Illinois State Universities Retirement System, the
New York State Common Retirement Fund, the North Carolina Retirement
Systems, and the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund.


coalition called for the banks to report the findings of their
independent examinations in their 2011 proxy statements this spring.


the end of the last year, the coalition's combined holdings in each
bank included: 97.1 million Bank of America shares valued at $1.3
billion; 226.6 million Citigroup shares valued at $1.1 billion; 40.7
million JPMorgan Chase shares valued at $1.7 billion, and 50.6 million
Wells Fargo shares at $1.6 billion.

It's about
time public pension funds get involved and use their clout to pressure
banks to examine their loan modification, foreclosure, and
securitization policies and procedures. I'm not sure anything will come
out of this but the foreclosure crisis has sounded the alarm bell and
banks need to respond to make sure that measures are in place to prevent
this type of abuse from ever happening again.

Finally, I leave you with some thoughts from Graham Turner of GFC Economics, one of the best independent economic consultancy shops for institutional clients:

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Live blogging Obama&#39;s <b>news</b> conference – CNN Political Ticker - CNN <b>...</b>

The CNN Political and White House teams are bringing you the latest developments and reactions from President Obama's news conference. Please continually refresh this page for the latest updates (CTRL-R). UPDATE: Read the full ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

Friday, February 11, 2011

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It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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First of all, you must have done a whole lot of research on how to make money online before approaching this article. You may have found some reliable sites and some hat are scams. I have done weeks of research going through a lot of the money making sites and spending time on them to see if they really pay or not and here are my websites for making money that are free of scam.

There is only one website where you can have fun making money. You don't need any talent for it and its called Mylot. They pay you for hanging out on their website and it's not taking surveys or anything that actually has to be completed. You start discussions on whatever topics you like and it's all about participation. The more you effort and time you put into having fun, the more money you're going to make. The minimum payout is $10.00 which is very low considering I make roughly around twenty cents a day. You can post comments; respond to discussions and unlike many sites, your response doesn't have to be viewed before being submitted. Talk about anything you want, and there are also tasks you can complete to earn money. Most of them are around five to ten cents and they only require a sign up.

A lot of paid to click sites are scams but I know two that aren't. They are Neobux and These sites really pay money! Neobux is one where you can get up to 0.01 cents per click and there are different amounts of ads each day that can be viewed. The seconds you have to view the ad ranges is 20-30 seconds each. Some ads pay 0.005 and those you have to view for only a little bit of time. The number of ads range from four to ten ads a day. Also, you can buy referrals and other stuff with the money you earned by clicking ads so you don't have to pay from your paypal account. is a whole lot different. You get 0.001 cents per ad and there are a few that pay 0.005 or 0.006. You have to view the ad for a mere 5 seconds to get credited and for the half cent ones, you have to view it for as long as 45 seconds. But, there are currently like 80 ads that can be viewed over and over again each day. All in all I come to the conclusion that if you want to earn money without doing lots of work, I would recommend Neobux and if you are willing to spend a bit more time to put some dough in your wallet, I would suggest

Survey websites consume lots of time but you also get paid large amounts of money for participating. There are only two websites that I trust with my time. If you haven't already heard of Lightspeed, it's one of my favorite survey sites. They send you about 3-5 surveys a week to do and doing them grants you 75-500 Lightspeed Points which can be redeemed for cash. You need 575 points to get a reward of $5 so imagine, earning lots a month by merely taking a few surveys. They send you a notification by email so you don't have to keep on checking on the website for more surveys. Also, a little helpful hint to get you started in the right direction; take the quick 1 minute surveys that can get you matched up with some of the paying surveys. The 1 minute surveys don't pay, but they give Lightspeed some information about you so they know what paying surveys they can give to you.

My second recommendation is a website called Toluna. You get paid in points but here, you need 30,000 points to get a minimum payout of $10. If you do the profile surveys, they give you 300 points each and if you complete them all, Toluna grants you an extra one time 2000 points. Also, you can earn points by taking quick votes or polls that grant you 15 points. Come back every now and then for surveys that give 1000-3000 points each. This is a great website in which you can create discussions and polls for just the fun of it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

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We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

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International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

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We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

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Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.">buy

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is. »

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

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International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

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International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.