Monday, January 24, 2011

Making Free Money Online

Yesterday's announcement that Google's Eric Schmidt will be handing the CEO reins back to co-founder Larry Page came as a shock, but with the company's aura of invincibility fading, and its core business showing signs of age, the time was right for a change. There was "an example every hour," of how triumvirate decision-making by Schmidt, Page, and co-founder Segrey Brin was hurting the company, Schmidt said. If Google wants to assure investors and consumers that rumors of its looming insignificance have been greatly exaggerated, there are a few key things that Larry has to do.

No. 1: Fix Search

Google's cash cow is its online-search advertising business, but the search results are starting to look awfully spammy. Between content farms that flood the Internet with meaningless search bait and black hat optimizers that use sleazy tricks to get top results, there are entire industries devoted to gaming Google's algorithms.

People who depend on Google for their livelihood have started to notice, and consumers are showing signs of getting antsy: There is a reason Microsoft's Bing quickly picked up 12 percent of the search market, and it's not because of its Gossip Girl product placements, or even vastly superior search results. Google has also drawn some ill will with an aggressive, some say illegal, tendency to push its own services to the top of the page.

It looks like Larry gets the seriousness of the problem. Friday, on day one of his regime, Google acknowledged the issue in a blog post, even as it downplayed its severity. "Reading through some of these recent articles, you might ask whether our search quality has gotten worse," said principal engineer Matt Cutts. "The fact is that we’re not perfect, and combined with users’ skyrocketing expectations of Google, these imperfections get magnified in perception. However, we can and should do better."

It will take more than a wonky breakdown, but it's a start.

No. 2: Find Growth

The aforementioned cash cow is still so lucrative that it's easy to forget that Google has never really succeeded in any other business. Despite the ubiquity of Gmail and YouTube, they are not yet successful stand-alone businesses. YouTube only recently made it into the black after incurring hundreds of million of dollars in losses over the years.

It's not like Google isn't aware of the problem. Witness the frenzied diversification into anything that looks hot: cars that drives themselves, social networks, and yesterday's long-expected news of a Groupon clone. But trying everything hasn't produced much of anything.

Larry needs to ditch the side projects and focus on the most promising ones: the Android mobile-phone operating system, and the mobile ad network AdMob, which even makes money from iPhones as it serves up 2 billion ads a day.

No. 3: Stop the Brain Drain

Here's an enigma for Larry to unravel: Why does a company with five-star chefs, high-tech nap pods, and free massages have to throw millions of dollars in cash money at employees to get them to stay?

Part of the problem is Google's convoluted management structure, which Page is clearly trying to fix. If a team has been working on an amazing project for a year, only to hear that it overlaps with someone else's pet project, who wouldn't want to jump ship? But it also has to do with Google's size and a potentially fatal inability to face up to an unpleasant reality. From what we hear, there's reluctance from some of the old guard to accept that Google is a massive corporation now.

There is a major intangible at play as well, something that may not be easy for someone who is more Chief Engineer than Chief Executive to grapple with. If the ambitious go-getters that make it through Google's onerous interview process sense that the cool, sexy projects are happening at Facebook, Apple, or some stealth VC project with no name, then no amount of money is going to keep them on side, no matter how big a money truck Google backs up to their cubicle.

Which leads to....

No. 4: Consider a Personality Transplant

Tech bloggers were smitten with Eric Schmidt, but for all the wrong reasons. Sure, he grew Google into a $200 billion behemoth, but he also had a weakness for creepy Big Brother jokes delivered so dryly that no one could be sure he was joking. Contrast that with the controlling and charismatic Steve Jobs, surely one of the best salesmen in modern history, with a reality distortion field that may have made enemies but also bestowed an ineffable cool on his entire company.

Larry, by all accounts, makes Eric Schmidt look like Steve Jobs.

Ken Auletta explains:

He is a very private man, who often in meetings looks down at his hand-held Android device, who is not a comfortable public speaker, who hates to have a regimented schedule, who thinks it is an inefficient use of his time to invest too much of it in meetings with journalists or analysts or governments. As C.E.O., the private man will have to become more public.

Google's engineer-driven approach to new products has been a long-standing problem. (Google Wave, anybody?) Unlike Apple, it seems to build for engineers and developers, not consumers. That's great when you're making an open source mobile platform like Android, which is hot on the iPhone's tail due to its openness and potential ubiquity across multiple carriers and devices. It's not so great when you made everyone on Gmail opt into Google Buzz ’ or for creating fanboys and girls who want to use your products, even if they have to anyway.

Either way, Larry, you're going to need some charm to lend Google the same cool factor it had last time you were in charge. Maybe start by looking up from your Android phone every once in a while.

Another Facebook change, another privacy uproar. Read the headlines and you might have thought the social network was planning to open the books on private cellphone numbers and home addresses to any advertiser willing to slip them some cash, rather than adding some more sharing options along with the usual granular control over who gets to see what of your digital details. Unsurprisingly Facebook froze its plans pending a reassessment of its privacy controls; unfortunately, nobody is taking Facebook users – and the online community in general – to task over taking some responsibility for what they share.

If you haven’t been following the story, here’s the situation in a nutshell. Facebook announced on Friday that it was planning to add address and mobile number to the personal information that could be shared with applications, websites and advertisers. As with other personal details, the degree to which that data was accessible would be managed under each user’s permissions settings: everything from a come-and-get-me open pipe to a complete block on anything being revealed. Facebook billed it as a way to “easily share your address and mobile phone with a shopping site to streamline the checkout process, or sign up for up-to-the-minute alerts on special deals directly to your mobile phone.”

Don’t get me wrong; I’m under no illusion that Facebook is doing this for altruistic reasons. Making online purchases quicker is undoubtedly handy to those who actually click through Facebook adverts, but for the social network itself it’s all about making money from its most valuable asset: its millions of registered users. Just like with a free newspaper, Facebook makes its money by showing you adverts, and it can use your personal information to tailor those ads more appropriately. Access to personal contact details, meanwhile, is even more valuable.

However, just because there’s profit to be made for Facebook, it doesn’t mean this is either bad for the user or a sign of Evil Big Business taking advantage of the general public. We manage the degrees to which we disclose personal information all the time, long before Facebook arrived and gave us a simple privacy settings page to work with. Every time you avoid giving your phone number to a door-to-door charity worker, tick the no-junk-mail box on a bank form or refuse to give your address to someone you just met at a bar, you’re exercising your own, personal privacy filter.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. After all, it only takes a quick glance at sites like Lamebook (often NSFW) to see that many Facebook users have problems with over-sharing, accidentally making public posts out of what were meant to be private messages, and generally forgetting who out of their friends and family can read what they’re saying. Maybe Facebook does have some intrinsic responsibility to shepherd its members through the difficult journey that is online life; perhaps the privacy pages really won’t be complete until there’s color coding, pop-up warnings and a virtual cash register showing just how much you’ve lined Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket.

This constant push-me-pull-me with Facebook does users no favours. Every time the privacy patrol scream, and Facebook backtracks, it reinforces the idea that the site itself is solely responsible – should be responsible – for making safe use of the information we share online. Don’t get me wrong, if Facebook was looking to sneak in a “we can sell your identify” clause into the T&Cs, that’s something worth shouting about. When, though, we muster the same amount of vitriol for sharing options that already have safeguards – safeguards that satisfactorily protect our email address and other details – it looks more like abdication of responsibility. We want to trust Facebook do “do the right thing” – based on our own interpretation of what “the right thing” is, exactly – so that we won’t have to. We can spend our time looking up old crushes, posting photos of ourselves looking fierce in clubs, and commenting on videos of cats.

Privacy is important, but the responsibility begins at the individual level. Just as you don’t hand out your address to strangers in the street, maybe giving it to every website that asks isn’t all that sensible either. Relying on other people, or companies, to protect us universally is a naivety we abandon before adulthood in the real world, yet something many seem determined to cling to online. That’s before you get to the thorny issue of lost or stolen data. In the end, it’s your life, your number, your face: it’s up to you whether it’s an open book.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Business Making Money

By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger

Meet the new global elite. They're pretty much the same as the old global elite, only richer and more smug.

Laura Flanders of GritTV interviews business reporter Chrystia Freeland about her cover story in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly on the new ruling class. She says that today's ultra-rich are more likely to have earned their fortunes in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street than previous generations of plutocrats, who were more likely to have inherited money or established companies.

As a result, she argues, today's global aristocracy believes itself to be the product of a meritocracy. The old sense of noblesse oblige among the ultra-rich is giving way to the attitude that if the ultra-rich could do it, everyone else should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Ironically, Freeland points out that many of the new elite got rich from government bailouts of their failed banks. It's unclear why this counts as earning one's fortune, or what kind of meritocracy reserves its most lavish rewards for its most spectacular failures.

Class warfare on public sector pensions

In The Nation, Eric Alterman assails the Republican-controlled Congress's decision to scrap the popular and effective Build America Bonds program as an act of little-noticed class warfare:

These bonds, which make up roughly 20 percent of all new debt sold by states and local governments because of a federal subsidy equivalent to some 35 percent of interest costs, ended on December 31, as Republicans proved unwilling even to consider renewing them. The death of the program could prove devastating to states' future borrowing.

Alterman notes that the states could face up to $130 billion shortfall next year. States can't deficit spend like the federal government, which made the Build America Bonds program a lifeline to the states.

According to Alterman, Republicans want the states to run out of money so that they will be unable to pay the pensions of public sector workers. He notes that Reps. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) are also co-sponsoring a bill to force state and local governments to "recalculate" their pension obligations to public sector workers.

Divide and conquer

Kari Lydersen of Working In These Times explains how conservatives use misleading statistics to pit private sector workers against their brothers and sisters in the public sector. If the public believes that teachers, firefighters, meter readers and snowplow drivers are parasites, they'll feel more comfortable yanking their pensions out from under them.

Hence the misleading statistic that public sector workers earn $11.90 more per hour than "comparable" private sector workers. However, when you take education and work experience into account, employees of state and local governments typically earn 11% to 12% less than private sector workers with comparable qualifications.

Public sector workers have better benefits plans, but only for as long as governments can afford to keep their contractual obligations.

Who's screwing whom?

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich is calling for a sense of perspective on public sector wages and benefits. In AlterNet he argues that the people who are really making a killing in this economy are the ultra-rich, not school teachers and garbage collectors:

Public servants are convenient scapegoats. Republicans would rather deflect attention from corporate executive pay that continues to rise as corporate profits soar, even as corporations refuse to hire more workers. They don't want stories about Wall Street bonuses, now higher than before taxpayers bailed out the Street. And they'd like to avoid a spotlight on the billions raked in by hedge-fund and private-equity managers whose income is treated as capital gains and subject to only a 15 percent tax, due to a loophole in the tax laws designed specifically for them.

Signs of hope?

The economic future looks pretty bleak these days. Yes, the unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% from 9.8% in December, but the economy added only 103,000, a far cry from the 300,000 jobs economists say the economy really needs to add to pull the country out its economic doldrums.

Andy Kroll points out in Mother Jones that it will take 20 years to replace the jobs lost in this recession, if current trends continue.

Worse yet, what looks like job growth could actually be chronic unemployment in disguise. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of people who are actively looking for work. Kroll worries that the apparent drop in the unemployment rate could simply reflect more people giving up their job searches.

For an counterweight to the doom and gloom, check out Tim Fernholtz's new piece in The American Prospect. He argues that the new unemployment numbers are among several hopeful signs for economic recovery in 2011. However, he stresses that his self-proclaimed rosy forecast is contingent upon avoiding several huge pitfalls, including drastic cuts in public spending.

With the GOP in Congress seemingly determined to starve the states for cash, the future might not be so rosy after all.

This post features links to the best independent, progressive reporting about the economy by members of The Media Consortium. It is free to reprint. Visit the Audit for a complete list of articles on economic issues, or follow us on Twitter. And for the best progressive reporting on critical economy, environment, health care and immigration issues, check out The Mulch, The Pulse and The Diaspora. This is a project of The Media Consortium, a network of leading independent media outlets.

Yes, the GOP’s new chairman needs to raise money. But his biggest challenge will be rebuilding the ground game, which cost Republicans precious seats last fall.

All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots. While Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus led every round, he won the final one with 97 votes, just 12 more than he needed.

Reince Priebus conducts committee business after being elected chairman of the National Republican Committiee during the RNC Winter Meeting on Jan. 14, 2011. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images)

The candidates largely agreed on the problems of the Steele era and many of the answers, but doubts lingered about every contender. Priebus’ advantage came from early endorsements by some of the committee’s respected figures, including Henry Barbour and Alec Poitevint, the national committeemen from Mississippi and Georgia, respectively. Enough committee members concluded if Reince was good enough for Henry and Alec, he was good enough for them.

Now comes the much harder part. The RNC is not just broke: it’s deeply in debt and reportedly without enough money to make payroll when the balloting began last Friday. The RNC has seen a nearly $50 million swing from almost $25 million in the bank when Steele became chairman to more than $21 million in the red when he left. The GOP HQ is likely to see checks roll in this week from donors grateful Steele is out, but it’s hard to raise money to pay off debt.

Priebus has told GOP insiders he understands the RNC’s grave financial position and will work the problem from both ends. He’s already fired Steele’s picks to run the 2012 Tampa Republican Convention. They were hired and dispatched to Florida last summer, more than a year before is customary, and immediately began running up big housing bills and other expenses. Priebus has also begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising pooh-bahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Priebus has begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising poobahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Despite Chairman Steele’s gaffes and financial shenanigans (like the big bar tab at a lesbian bar in L.A.), the RNC has seen healthy increases in direct mail and Internet giving. But this wasn’t matched by a growing total of larger gifts of up to $30,400, the limit for what the Republican and Democratic National Committees can accept. Steele didn’t do what a national chairman is supposed to do: spend lots of time on the phone begging.

Successful party chairmen spend half of their life on the phone or visiting major donors, making the case for checks from them and others in their rolodexes. This wasn’t Steele’s style. It will have to be Priebus’ style—and the major proven fundraiser he recruits as RNC finance chairman. There’s nowhere to go but up. Steele once tried to recruit a candidate for the finance job by promising to give a speech wherever the prospect wanted him to go. The guy turned Steele down, believing that if the chairman thought his making speeches was what made the cash register ring, Steele didn’t understand fundraising.

Then there’s the RNC’s political role. The good news for the quiet, almost shy but personable new chairman is he doesn’t have to do a lot of television. There is a phalanx of presidential candidates and congressional leaders to take on that task. He must focus on rebuilding the party’s once-vaunted ground-game operations handling voter identification, registration, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV).

The “72-Hour” or “Victory” program depends on volunteers drawn from local and state party committees and candidate campaigns. But only the RNC can provide the direction, training, technology, and metrics to guide these massive efforts. And the RNC’s cash flow is necessary to top off state party budgets in battleground states. Coming from Wisconsin, a place with a strong tradition of grassroots GOTV activity, Priebus knows all this is essential.

The GOP lost dozens of close contests in 2010 because the RNC provided only a fraction of the funding for “Victory” efforts that it has in years past. From more than half a dozen congressional races to gubernatorial contests in Vermont and Connecticut to Senate races in Nevada and Colorado, the RNC was virtually AWOL on get-out-the-vote efforts.

Restoring the RNC’s effectiveness requires time, discipline, leadership, and money. The new Republican national chairman has time and appears to have the needed discipline. Whether he gets the job done will depend on his leadership and fundraising.

Those on the RNC who know the new chairman think Reince is up for the big job. Lots of 2012 Republican hopefuls up and down the ballot hope that’s true. Count me as one. I made my contribution today online. Talk about change bringing hope.

Karl Rove served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush until 2007.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Now let*s face it: it is hard enough to put cents on cents in a few ptc sites and expect to earn a decent living by that. Plus that all this so called business to be payed to click it*s like rolling the dice: you*re never sure finally you get the money. So what*s the catch with this game?
The most important thing in it is to get referrals : directly or rented ones. And the second important thing is to relay on the most trusted and stable sites. This is like betting on the most probable winner with a Team of Betters behind you.
Now,the first rule in business is to MEAN it. Not necessarily to be mean but to be serious about it. So if you think to make a living online you must be serious, hard working and learn it every step of the way. By all means you will get to SUCCEED IN TIME. With the second important thing, related to paying and stable sites you can get help from average experience or custom search on the net for top paying sites on Google. The really heavy duty thing is to build a Team of Referrals. According to this, the most affordable approach is to rent them with the amount of money you already earned on a site. The difficult part is to convince a direct referral to join in your   downline and be active on every day. This is like direct-sales in the real world: 50% chances (or less) to make them buy something which is more a game than a business. The rest of 50% is advertising or make believe (super-fantasizing) that something is useful and generates a sort of monthly real income. This fantasies go from promises of other great deals to even promises of 10(ten!) dollars per click:) And believe me, there are sites which ”offer” more than that, even the moon from the sky, just to get you join their scam. There are two kind of experiences related to this ”make believes”: one is to be a realistic guy by nature and the second is to try things until they prove lies. Everyone is preferring the first category except the advertisers, who are preferring the second one. Well, if you want to really be in the first category, and play this ptc game, you have to discern between a real buck and a promised one, in Neverland. You may say that each and every dime is just a promise in the ptc virtual world, until that dime profs it*s real in your pocket. It*s true but that does not mean you stop discerning reality from dreams. You must keep your goal to make real money online, gather experience and build a system that really works keeping you satisfied with your decent earnings and little, indecent losses.  
That is why I thought of a system for everyone to get referrals. Scroll down and find out how much you will pay for it!
(just kidding Stay tuned on this site and you will found it soon. Have a winning day everyone! 

10 Exciting European Startups from 2010

Europe’s had a bumper year for interesting startup ideas. The Next Web’s Hermione Way and I put our heads together to come up with this list of ten small tech companies from across the continent that have excited us in 2010.


London-based Brainient makes it easy to add interactive elements to existing web video. A ‘Magic Script’ lets publishers add a few lines of code into a website’s Body HTML, enabling pre-roll ads, overlays or any other type of Brainient layers on any embedded video in the page.

The company launched its developer tools at The Next Web Conference in April this year and announced the first of a fresh wave of commercial partnerships, allowing video site SeeSaw to transplant Hulu’s “Choose your own ads” format to the UK for the first time.


If music be the food of love, the Tastebuds is on to a good thing. This dating site that we profiled earlier this year matches you with others who share your taste in music.

It’s a simple idea that the site carries off incredibly well and as a niche dating idea we love it. Music taste can often say a lot about a person’s outlook on life and if nothing else, it’s an excellent conversation starter. The service may be a little too reliant on from a business point of view, but as a concept it’s beautifully realised.


Affiliate links are a major revenue stream for some online publishers. Taking all the effort out of this type of marketing, Skimlinks gets rid of the long URLs that often put users off clicking links. The fact that the publisher is getting a cut from sales of the product they’re linking to is completely invisible, as a Skimlinks URL looks just like a normal non-affiliate link.

It’s a model that has won Skimlinks major worldwide publishing clients. This year the London-based startup launched Skimkit, a product that makes it easy for writers to add affiliate links to their articles, even suggesting items that might be suitable to link to.


As satisfying as it is to conveniently order shopping online from home, the wait to get it delivered can sometimes make a trip to a bricks-and-mortar store seem like a better option. Shutl aims to improve on next-day delivery by offering products to your door as soon as 90 minutes after you place your order.

The service works by aggregating capacity across local courier companies into a single web-service that retailers can use to speed up deliveries. A GPS tracking facility in partnership with Bing Maps allows shoppers to track their deliveries in real-time via the Shutl website. The UK startup is currently trialling its service with certain Argos stores in the London area.

It was hard to ignore Swiss startup this year. The “Twitter newspaper” startup saw rapid viral growth thanks to the automated tweets it sent out each time a user’s daily newspaper was published.

This annoyed some Twitter users, who found their reply stream filled with announcements that they featured in their followers’ publications each day. Still, the service is still growing at a reported 1000 papers per day, with plans to expand beyond Twitter and Facebook and offer users the chance to make money from their newspapers in 2011.


When we covered Nuji‘s launch earlier this month, we described it as “Instagram meets Instapaper” for shopping. This social network sees you sharing things you like, be they items in shops or objects you spot online, as a way of demonstrating your taste. A mobile app lets you scan barcodes while you’re out shopping, making adding items to your profile easy.

As it builds a network of tastemakers, Nuji plans to monetize by offering relevant shopping deals to users based on their interests.


This Swedish startup from Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde offers publishers an “online tipjar” that can easily monetize any Web page.

After adding money to their Flattr account, users click the ‘Flattr’ button on pages that they like around the Web. At the end of the month, the money in their account is divvied up to the publishers of the content the user ‘Flattr-ed’. Thus far the service’s most high profile signup has been Wikileaks, which added the button to its Afghanistan war logs page as a way of accepting donations. The service remains one of the few income sources that hasn’t been closed off to the controversial whistleblowing website in recent weeks.

Moshi Monsters

Moshi Monsters from London’s Mind Candy became an online phenomenon for children this year. Youngsters can adopt a pet monster, and solve puzzles to earn virtual currency that can be spent on items to help kit out their monsters’ world with food, furniture treats and the like.

The virtual world has seen real-world spinoffs galore. A deal with Penguin Books was followed by toys, mobile apps and video games in what is set to be a highly profitable year.


France’s Stupeflix offers a browser-based online video suite and this year launched a service to automate the creation of videos, for example, in the online retail sector where a video of a pair of trainers created from a bunch of photos might be more appealing to potential customers than static photos.

Stupeflix also offers an API to automate the processing and generation of video content for third parties.


Screach aims to make all sorts of screens interactive by way of a mobile app and a highly customisable development platform. TV shows could use it to allow real-time interaction from viewers, bars could use it to run quiz events with instant on-phone rewards for winners and it’s already being used to enhance a museum exhibit in the UK.

At present there’s little to try out Screach’s mobile app on, but that should change next year when the UK start-up is set to announce commercial partnerships.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

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Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Harvard Undergrads Launch Newsle To Find <b>News</b> About Your Friends <b>...</b>

Social news has many flavors. Twitter and Facebook function as social news feeds with your friends pushing out stories they find interesting. But what about news about your friends or other people you care about?

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Making Money

Michael Buckner/Getty Images

Khloe Kardashian: Is She Making A Play As the No. 1 Kardashian?

As Lamar Odom and his wife, Khloe Kardashian, get set to begin filming their reality show, Khloe & Lamar, one cannot help but realize how much screen time Khloe has.

With her third E! show on tap, and a publicized marriage with a World Champion basketball star in Lamar, is Khloe becoming the No.1 Kardashian the right way?

Whether you know her or not, you have all heard of sister Kim, for one reason or another, but sister Khloe seems to be giving her a run for her money nowadays.

Kim was romantically linked to Saints Super Bowl Champion Reggie Bush, but unfortunately, things did not work out.

While Kim is now reportedly linked to Kris Humphries of the New Jersey Nets, he holds nothing on Lamar.

The Kardashians continue to creep onto your television screen and it seems it will not stop.

With Khloe & Lamar due out around the NBA Playoffs, Khloe may take the reins as the top Kardashian with the help of the Lakers' forward.

Most recent updates:

  • Rex Ryan: Blasting Off Only The Way Rex Can

  • Steve Buckley: Paving The Way For Others?

  • Buckeyes: What Is Next For Jim Tressel's Ohio State Buckeyes?

  • View all updates

Capacity vs. Usage

Kepes emphasizes the following financial benefits of Infrastructure-as-a-Service:

  • Economies of scale - IaaS vendors can offer cheaper access to infrastructure by purchasing equipment in bulk.

  • Pay as you go for what you use - With cloud computing, you can pay for what you use, like a utility, instead of investing in a fixed capacity infrastructure that may either exceed or fall short of your organization's needs.

  • Cloud services can be paid for out of the operating expenditures budget - And because computing resources are paid for like a utility, they can be paid for out of the operating expenditures budget instead of capital investments.

Kepes emphasizes the need for organizations to select IaaS vendors that allow them to actually take advantage of these benefits. For example, it's important that customers make sure than billing for cloud services is as granular as possible.

Kepes also looks at issues such as Service Level Agreements, support and compliance. This is the first of a series of free white papers by Kepes. Hopefully we'll see further depth as wall as papers for more advanced practitioners.

Photo credits: Flickr user Kevin Dooley

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Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

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Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

Andy Borowitz: Fox <b>News</b> Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will <b>...</b>

Fox is preparing for a "worst-case scenario" in which it was pressured to air responsible statements in place of its current programming: "If it comes to that, God forbid, we'll just air 24 hours of 24."

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...